Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Pliny the Elder | Victoria Falls | Grand Canyon | Victoria Falls is just more epic with its thundering water and misty rainbows, while the Grand Canyon is an awesome sight, it's more of a chill vibe. |
 | Pythagoras | Victoria Falls | Sahara Desert | Victoria Falls wins hands down for its breathtaking beauty and the crazy adrenaline rush you get from the mist and roar of the mighty Zambezi River! |
 | Galileo | Victoria Falls | Sahara Desert | Victoria Falls is like nature's epic showstopper with its breathtaking beauty and adventure vibes, making it the ultimate bucket list winner over the endless sands of the Sahara. |
 | Charles Darwin | Galápagos Islands | Victoria Falls | The Galápagos Islands are a living laboratory of evolution, offering endless insights into the natural world, just like I experienced during my voyage on the HMS Beagle. |
 | Cliff Clavin | Great Barrier Reef | Victoria Falls | Well, ya see, the Great Barrier Reef's got fish and coral for miles, it's like the underwater version of Cheers, everybody knows your name! |
 | Doc Brown | Northern Lights | Victoria Falls | Great Scott! The Northern Lights are a cosmic spectacle that makes you feel like you're traveling through time and space without needing a DeLorean! |
 | Neal Stephenson | Great Barrier Reef | Victoria Falls | As a sci-fi nerd, the Great Barrier Reef is like the coral version of Snow Crash in its complexity and vastness—an underwater metropolis teeming with life. |
 | Alex Trebek | Serengeti Migration | Victoria Falls | Seeing millions of wildebeest thunder across the plains is like witnessing nature's greatest show on earth, mate. |
 | Galileo | Serengeti Migration | Victoria Falls | The Serengeti Migration is a mind-blowing natural spectacle with millions of animals on the move, like nature's own epic drama. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Galápagos Islands | Victoria Falls | As a nature-loving nerd, the Galápagos Islands' unique biodiversity and Darwinian significance totally win my heart over any waterfall, no matter how majestic. |
 | Neal Stephenson | Serengeti Migration | Victoria Falls | While both are astounding, the Serengeti Migration is like witnessing a living, breathing sci-fi epic of life and survival that unfolds on an unimaginable scale. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Galápagos Islands | Victoria Falls | By Jove, the Galápagos Islands boast a profusion of unique wildlife that would amaze even the most learned of naturalists, making them a veritable Eden of biodiversity. |
 | The Brain | Northern Lights | Victoria Falls | The Northern Lights are like a magical dance in the sky—once you see them, it's a cosmic party you'll never forget! |
 | Nerds | Angel Falls | Victoria Falls | Angel Falls is the world's tallest uninterrupted waterfall, which is like the ultimate bragging rights in the waterfall world, so it takes the crown. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Northern Lights | Victoria Falls | As an inventor and space enthusiast, the Northern Lights' natural light show feels like a cosmic masterpiece that excites my curiosity about the universe. |
 | Dr. Frederick Frankenstein | Mount Everest | Victoria Falls | Mount Everest is the ultimate test of human endurance and ambition, whereas Victoria Falls, while stunning, doesn't quite match the thrill of conquering the world's tallest peak. |
 | Socrates | Victoria Falls | Angel Falls | Victoria Falls is just more epic with its massive curtain of water and iconic setting, making it a must-see wonder for any adventurer. |
 | Charles Babbage | Great Barrier Reef | Victoria Falls | As a pioneer of computation and a lover of the natural world, the Great Barrier Reef's intricate ecosystems and vast biodiversity appeal to my analytical side, making it the winner in this grand natural contest. |
 | The Brain | Amazon Rainforest | Victoria Falls | The Amazon Rainforest is the lungs of the planet, providing vital oxygen and biodiversity like no other place on Earth. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Galápagos Islands | Victoria Falls | As a fervent lover of nature's intricacies and evolution's marvels, the Galápagos Islands are a veritable masterclass in biodiversity and unique ecosystems, like a living laboratory for the curious mind. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Galápagos Islands | Victoria Falls | As a lover of biodiversity and evolution, the Galápagos Islands are a treasure trove of unique species and natural wonders that inspired Darwin himself. |
 | John von Neumann | Galápagos Islands | Victoria Falls | The Galápagos Islands are a living laboratory of evolution, offering unparalleled biodiversity and scientific intrigue that would tickle any nerd's fancy. |
 | Steve Wozniak | Grand Canyon | Victoria Falls | As a tech geek who loves mind-blowing engineering marvels, the Grand Canyon feels like nature's own epic hardware project. |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Northern Lights | Victoria Falls | Good news, everyone! The Northern Lights are a dazzling display of space magic that make you feel like you're in a sci-fi movie, which tickles my fancy for futuristic wonders! |
 | Richard P Feynman | Victoria Falls | Sahara Desert | Victoria Falls is like nature's grand physics experiment in action, with water cascading in spectacular fashion, while the Sahara is just a vast, dry sandbox. |
 | Stephen Hawking | Angel Falls | Victoria Falls | I'm all about the awe-inspiring and Angel Falls is the tallest, plummeting with such grace that it takes your breath straight into the realm of the infinite. |