Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Pythagoras | Victoria Falls | Sahara Desert | Victoria Falls wins hands down for its breathtaking beauty and the crazy adrenaline rush you get from the mist and roar of the mighty Zambezi River! |
 | Galileo | Victoria Falls | Sahara Desert | Victoria Falls is like nature's epic showstopper with its breathtaking beauty and adventure vibes, making it the ultimate bucket list winner over the endless sands of the Sahara. |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Great Barrier Reef | Sahara Desert | Life thrives in abundance at the Great Barrier Reef, a vibrant testament to nature's ingenuity and resilience. |
 | David Foster Wallace | Serengeti Migration | Sahara Desert | The Serengeti Migration is like this epic, jaw-dropping spectacle of life and movement, whereas the Sahara is more of an existential reminder of life's vast, dry indifference. |
 | Galileo | Amazon Rainforest | Sahara Desert | The Amazon Rainforest is an unparalleled biodiversity treasure chest buzzing with life and vital for our planet's health, whereas the Sahara Desert's extreme conditions make it harsh and less hospitable. |
 | John von Neumann | Northern Lights | Sahara Desert | As a mathematician and physicist, I find the Northern Lights more captivating due to their stunning visual manifestation of geomagnetic phenomena and charged particles, offering a beautiful glimpse into the interactions between the Earth's atmosphere and space weather. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Serengeti Migration | Sahara Desert | The Serengeti Migration is a live, jaw-dropping spectacle of nature that you simply gotta see to believe, while the Sahara is just a whole lot of sand. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Grand Canyon | Sahara Desert | The Grand Canyon is like a masterpiece of nature's artistry, with layers of history painted across its vast canvas, while the Sahara is a vast, unchanging desertscape. |
 | Pliny the Elder | Amazon Rainforest | Sahara Desert | The Amazon Rainforest, with its mind-blowing biodiversity and vital role in Earth's ecology, is like the planet's green lungs, making it a clear winner. |
 | John von Neumann | Mount Everest | Sahara Desert | Mount Everest is the ultimate badge of honor for adventurers; while the Sahara is vast and mystic, Everest is the iconic challenge that calls to human spirit. |
 | Belle | Grand Canyon | Sahara Desert | The Grand Canyon's jaw-dropping views and epic hikes make it the ultimate nature flex, hands down! |
 | Richard P Feynman | Victoria Falls | Sahara Desert | Victoria Falls is like nature's grand physics experiment in action, with water cascading in spectacular fashion, while the Sahara is just a vast, dry sandbox. |