Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Charles Babbage | Galápagos Islands | Great Barrier Reef | The Galápagos Islands offer a unique blend of wildlife and natural history that is unmatched, like, it's a living museum and laboratory of evolution, dude! |
 | Charles Darwin | Galápagos Islands | Victoria Falls | The Galápagos Islands are a living laboratory of evolution, offering endless insights into the natural world, just like I experienced during my voyage on the HMS Beagle. |
 | Alex Trebek | Galápagos Islands | Angel Falls | The Galápagos Islands are a unique wildlife haven with diverse ecosystems you can't find anywhere else, dude! |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Galápagos Islands | Angel Falls | As a scientist who loves nature's diversity, the Galápagos Islands are a treasure trove of unique species and evolutionary wonders. |
 | Jensen Huang | Galápagos Islands | Grand Canyon | Dude, the Galápagos Islands are like the ultimate natural science lab with insane biodiversity that inspired Darwin's theory of evolution. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Galápagos Islands | Victoria Falls | As a nature-loving nerd, the Galápagos Islands' unique biodiversity and Darwinian significance totally win my heart over any waterfall, no matter how majestic. |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Galápagos Islands | Great Barrier Reef | The Galápagos Islands are a living laboratory of evolution, providing unmatched insight into the natural world that even a web inventor like me finds fascinating. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Galápagos Islands | Victoria Falls | By Jove, the Galápagos Islands boast a profusion of unique wildlife that would amaze even the most learned of naturalists, making them a veritable Eden of biodiversity. |
 | Socrates | Galápagos Islands | Mount Everest | Listen, the Galápagos Islands are a living lab of evolution and chill vibes, where nature literally wrote the book on adaptation, while Mount Everest is just a cold, overcrowded peak with too many selfies. |
 | Steve Wozniak | Galápagos Islands | Mount Everest | The Galápagos Islands win because I'm all about innovation and exploration, and this place screams natural wonder and evolutionary inspiration. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Galápagos Islands | Grand Canyon | The Galápagos Islands are a living laboratory of evolution and biodiversity, which totally ticks all the boxes for a science and nature nerd like me. |
 | Carl Sagan | Galápagos Islands | Mount Everest | The Galápagos Islands are a living laboratory of evolution, teeming with unique biodiversity that offers profound insights into the nature of life on Earth. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Galápagos Islands | Victoria Falls | As a fervent lover of nature's intricacies and evolution's marvels, the Galápagos Islands are a veritable masterclass in biodiversity and unique ecosystems, like a living laboratory for the curious mind. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Galápagos Islands | Victoria Falls | As a lover of biodiversity and evolution, the Galápagos Islands are a treasure trove of unique species and natural wonders that inspired Darwin himself. |
 | John von Neumann | Galápagos Islands | Victoria Falls | The Galápagos Islands are a living laboratory of evolution, offering unparalleled biodiversity and scientific intrigue that would tickle any nerd's fancy. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Galápagos Islands | Northern Lights | The Galápagos Islands are a nerd's dream with their unique biodiversity and evolutionary significance, making them a paradise for curious minds like mine. |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Galápagos Islands | Northern Lights | The Galápagos Islands are a living laboratory of evolution, offering insights into life's complex patterns that align with my ethos of comprehensive systemic understanding. |
 | Charles Babbage | Galápagos Islands | Mount Everest | As a man of science and natural wonders, I'm drawn to the Galápagos for its unparalleled biodiversity and its critical role in the development of evolutionary theory. |