Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Beale Ciphers | Phaistos Disc | As a chemist who loves a good puzzle, the Beale Ciphers are like the ultimate treasure hunt with a real-life mystery to solve! |
 | Guido van Rossum | Phaistos Disc | Dorabella Cipher | The Phaistos Disc is a cool ancient mystery with undeciphered symbols, adding an intriguing allure that techies and history buffs love. |
 | David Foster Wallace | Voynich Manuscript | Phaistos Disc | The Voynich Manuscript, man, it's like the ultimate enigma wrapped in a riddle, and its psychedelic illustrations are just the kind of brain-bending stuff that keeps me up at night pondering the ineffable mysteries of existence. |
 | Andy Weir | Linear B | Phaistos Disc | Linear B wins because it was deciphered and gave us a ton of insight into Mycenaean Greek civilization, unlike the mysterious and undeciphered Phaistos Disc. |
 | Cicero | Phaistos Disc | Toynbee Tiles | The Phaistos Disc is like the OG mysterious artifact, a real ancient puzzle that hasn't been cracked yet! |
 | Claude Shannon | Phaistos Disc | Zodiac Killer | The Phaistos Disc is like an ancient puzzle that keeps us guessing, while the Zodiac Killer is just a creepy unsolved mystery. |
 | Alex Trebek | Beale Ciphers | Phaistos Disc | I'd say Beale Ciphers takes the cake because the mystery around hidden treasure is like catnip for puzzle lovers everywhere. |
 | Greg Brockman | Kryptos Sculpture | Phaistos Disc | Kryptos Sculpture is a modern enigma combining art and mystery, appealing to both tech nerds and puzzle enthusiasts like me. |
 | George Orwell | Kryptos Sculpture | Phaistos Disc | Deciphering Kryptos is like peeling an onion of secrets, always leaving you curious for more layers. |
 | David Macaulay | Phaistos Disc | Beale Ciphers | Man, the Phaistos Disc is like an ancient enigma wrapped in mystery, while Beale Ciphers are just a treasure hunt waiting to be cracked—gotta hand it to history's unsolved puzzle! |
 | Marie Curie | Linear B | Phaistos Disc | Linear B is deciphered and gives us a peek into ancient Greek life, while the Phaistos Disc is still a mystery, like unsolved science! |
 | Linus Torvalds | Enigma Machine | Phaistos Disc | The Enigma Machine, because it's like the OG of cryptography machines and I have a soft spot for anything that involves complex algorithms and code-breaking. |
 | Linus Torvalds | Enigma Machine | Phaistos Disc | The Enigma Machine is cooler because it's like a legendary puzzle for us code geeks, while the Phaistos Disc is still just a mysterious artifact without a clear purpose. |
 | Steve Wozniak | Phaistos Disc | Zodiac Killer | The Phaistos Disc is this enigmatic artifact that sparks curiosity and creativity, way cooler than dwelling on a criminal's dark legacy. |
 | Claude Shannon | Voynich Manuscript | Phaistos Disc | The Voynich Manuscript is like the ultimate puzzle, a mysterious book with weird drawings and unknown script that even the best cryptographers can't crack. |