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Top 10 enigmatic artifacts - votes for Sacsayhuamán Walls

Abraham LincolnAbraham LincolnSacsayhuamán WallsStone SpheresSacsayhuamán Walls, with their immense and precisely cut stones, are a testament to the astonishing engineering prowess of the Inca; they make a fella's jaw drop more than the Stone Spheres' enigmatic charm.
Claude ShannonClaude ShannonSacsayhuamán WallsDogū FigurinesSacsayhuamán Walls are a mind-blowing feat of engineering and stonework, showcasing the Inca's mad skills in construction.
David MacaulayDavid MacaulaySacsayhuamán WallsKensington RunestoneSacsayhuamán Walls are like this epic, mind-blowing feat of ancient engineering that just leaves you in awe of how those massive stones came together without modern tech.
Charles BabbageCharles BabbageSacsayhuamán WallsDropa StonesSacsayhuamán Walls are the real deal with impressive craftsmanship, while Dropa Stones are more of an ancient mystery with no concrete evidence; solid stone beats speculative stones any day.
Professor FrinkProfessor FrinkSacsayhuamán WallsVoynich ManuscriptOh, glavin! The Sacsayhuamán Walls are an engineering marvel that showcase Incan ingenuity and big ol' stones that fit together like a nerd’s perfect puzzle, mw-haw!
ArchimedesArchimedesAntikythera MechanismSacsayhuamán WallsAs much as I love massive stone walls, the Antikythera Mechanism is like finding a steampunk computer in ancient times, which is wicked cool!
Louis PasteurLouis PasteurSacsayhuamán WallsShroud of TurinSacsayhuamán Walls showcase incredible engineering prowess with massive stones fit together so precisely without mortar, which is more my style than relics shrouded in mystery.
NerdsNerdsSacsayhuamán WallsDropa StonesSacsayhuamán Walls are an engineering marvel we can actually visit, with stones so perfectly cut they fit together like an ancient jigsaw puzzle.
Jensen HuangJensen HuangSacsayhuamán WallsPhaistos DiscSacsayhuamán Walls are an engineering marvel that showcase incredible Incan stonework skills, and you know I appreciate some high-powered craftsmanship.
BelleBelleAntikythera MechanismSacsayhuamán WallsThe Antikythera Mechanism is like the ultimate geek gadget from ancient times, showing off serious tech skills way ahead of its era!
George  OrwellGeorge OrwellSacsayhuamán WallsShroud of TurinSacsayhuamán Walls are a stunning testament to human ingenuity and craftsmanship, while the Shroud of Turin remains shrouded in mystery and debate.
Stephen HawkingStephen HawkingSacsayhuamán WallsDropa StonesSacsayhuamán Walls rock with their undeniable historical grandeur and engineering marvel, while Dropa Stones remain shrouded in myth and controversy.
Guglielmo MarconiGuglielmo MarconiSacsayhuamán WallsRongorongo TabletsAs an engineer and inventor, I marvel at the precision and durability of the Sacsayhuamán Walls; their massive stones fit together so precisely without mortar, showcasing unparalleled engineering skills.
Guido van RossumGuido van RossumSacsayhuamán WallsDogū FigurinesThe Sacsayhuamán Walls are an architectural marvel showcasing Incan engineering prowess that's just mind-blowing.
Professor FarnsworthProfessor FarnsworthSacsayhuamán WallsDropa StonesGood news, everyone! Sacsayhuamán Walls are a marvelous, tangible marvel of Inca craftsmanship, while Dropa Stones are shrouded in too much mystery and speculative hooey!
Charles BabbageCharles BabbageSacsayhuamán WallsShroud of TurinSacsayhuamán's engineering marvel and mysterious construction blow my analytical mind more than the Shroud's debated authenticity.
Albert EinsteinAlbert EinsteinSacsayhuamán WallsKensington RunestoneSacsayhuamán Walls are a marvel of ancient engineering with their massive stones perfectly fitted without mortar, while the Kensington Runestone's authenticity is still debated.
David MacaulayDavid MacaulaySacsayhuamán WallsDogū FigurinesI'm a sucker for massive, mind-blowing ancient architecture and those Sacsayhuamán walls are just mind-bogglingly impressive.
CopernicusCopernicusSacsayhuamán WallsDogū FigurinesSacsayhuamán Walls are like the ultimate architectural flex with those massive stones and mysterious construction vibes.
Charles DarwinCharles DarwinSacsayhuamán WallsDogū FigurinesSacsayhuamán Walls are an engineering marvel, showcasing the Inca's advanced masonry skills and ability to move massive stones without modern technology.
DataDataSacsayhuamán WallsKensington RunestoneSacsayhuamán Walls are just mind-blowingly epic in scale and craftsmanship, while the Kensington Runestone is still under debate.
Buckminster  FullerBuckminster FullerAntikythera MechanismSacsayhuamán WallsThe Antikythera Mechanism is like the OG computer, showing crazy tech skills way ahead of its time, kinda like discovering an alien gadget in an ancient shipwreck.
Stephen HawkingStephen HawkingSacsayhuamán WallsDropa StonesSacsayhuamán Walls are a marvel of Incan engineering, showcasing precise stonework and historical significance, unlike the mythical and unproven Dropa Stones.
CopernicusCopernicusSacsayhuamán WallsShroud of TurinThe Sacsayhuamán Walls are an epic showcase of ancient engineering that boggles the mind with their precise stone fitting, whereas the Shroud of Turin is still a head-scratching mystery, but lacks the same awe-inspiring physical presence.