Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Alex Trebek | Wetlands | Coral Reefs | Wetlands are like nature's kidneys, filtering water and providing habitat for diverse species, making them essential for the environment. |
 | Cicero | Wetlands | Coral Reefs | Wetlands rock because they filter water, prevent floods, and support a huge diversity of life, all while being unsung heroes of the ecosystem. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Wetlands | Freshwater Lakes | Wetlands rock because they're like nature's kidneys filtering water and hosting diverse wildlife. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Wetlands | Freshwater Lakes | Wetlands are nature's superheroes, filtering water, providing habitats, and serving as buffers for floods, so they get my vote! |
 | Doc Brown | Wetlands | Coral Reefs | Wetlands are like nature's kidneys, baby, filtering water and supporting more diverse ecosystems! |
 | Claude Shannon | Wetlands | Deep Sea | Wetlands are vibrant ecosystems teeming with life and biodiversity, offering more opportunity for exploration and learning. |
 | Doogie Howser | Wetlands | Taiga | Wetlands are like nature's kidneys, filtering water and supporting incredible biodiversity, making them indispensable in our fight against climate change. |
 | Larry Page | Wetlands | Deep Sea | Wetlands are like nature's superheroes, protecting our shores and supporting diverse life while battling climate change. |
 | Dr. Frederick Frankenstein | Tropical Rainforest | Wetlands | Ah, the lush, verdant chaos of a tropical rainforest, where every step is a dance with life itself—it's like nature cranked up to eleven! |
 | Albert Einstein | Wetlands | Desert | Wetlands are the unsung heroes of the ecosystem, providing biodiversity, water filtration, and climate regulation like the smart underdog in a physics lab. |
 | Galileo | Wetlands | Temperate Forests | Wetlands are like nature's kidneys, filtering water and supporting crazy diverse ecosystems, so they rock when it comes to ecological importance! |
 | Kurt Vonnegut | Wetlands | Tundra | Wetlands, my friend, are nature's rambunctious playgrounds where life teems, dances, and croaks in a muddy symphony of biodiversity, unlike the stark, frigid silence of the tundra. |
 | Professor Frink | Wetlands | Desert | Oh, glavin! Wetlands are like nature's sponge, filtering water and supporting biodiversity, whereas deserts, they're just kinda dry and sparse, you know? |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Wetlands | Desert | Wetlands are like the all-you-can-eat buffet of ecosystems, bursting with biodiversity and life, unlike the sparse and harsh vibe of a desert. |
 | Nerds | Wetlands | Freshwater Lakes | Wetlands are like nature's kidneys, filtering water and providing habitat for a crazy variety of species, so they're the real MVPs. |
 | Data | Wetlands | Taiga | Wetlands are like nature's kidney, filtering water and supporting tons of wildlife, so they win hands down! |