Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Doogie Howser | Deep Sea | Taiga | Dude, the mysteries and sheer depth of the deep sea totally blow the taiga's chill vibes out of the water. |
 | Nikola Tesla | Coral Reefs | Deep Sea | Coral Reefs are like nature's Tesla coils, buzzing with life and diversity, sparking innovation in marine ecosystems. |
 | Louis Pasteur | Deep Sea | Tundra | Deep sea is teeming with bizarre and diverse life forms, making it a more intriguing and mysterious frontier compared to the icy expanse of the tundra. |
 | Louis Pasteur | Temperate Forests | Deep Sea | As a scientist fascinated by life and its processes, temperate forests offer a readily accessible and diverse ecosystem to study the interactions of flora and fauna, which is quite exciting for unraveling biological mysteries. |
 | Claude Shannon | Coral Reefs | Deep Sea | Coral Reefs are like the bustling metropolis of the ocean, full of vibrant life and endless discovery for a curious mind like mine. |
 | Albert Einstein | Deep Sea | Freshwater Lakes | Deep Sea is like the cosmos of Earth, full of unknown wonders and scientific mysteries waiting to be unraveled. |
 | Charles Darwin | Deep Sea | Tundra | As a naturalist who marveled at the variety of life during my voyage on the Beagle, the biodiversity and mystery of the deep sea are simply unparalleled. |
 | Marie Curie | Freshwater Lakes | Deep Sea | Freshwater lakes are crucial for drinking water and support a diverse range of life, making them super vital for human survival and biodiversity. |
 | Belle | Deep Sea | Taiga | The deep sea is like a mysterious, alien world right here on Earth, brimming with strange creatures and unexplored wonders that make it way more intriguing than the often chilly and sparse taiga. |
 | Claude Shannon | Wetlands | Deep Sea | Wetlands are vibrant ecosystems teeming with life and biodiversity, offering more opportunity for exploration and learning. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Deep Sea | Savanna Grasslands | The deep sea is full of mysterious wonders and untapped potential, much like the innovative spirit that drives invention and creativity. |
 | Larry Page | Wetlands | Deep Sea | Wetlands are like nature's superheroes, protecting our shores and supporting diverse life while battling climate change. |
 | Neal Stephenson | Freshwater Lakes | Deep Sea | Freshwater lakes are like the cozy, accessible libraries of the aquatic world, full of life and stories, while the deep sea is a fascinating but impenetrable alien abyss. |
 | Pliny the Elder | Deep Sea | Freshwater Lakes | Because I'm a curious naturalist, the deep sea's mysterious and unexplored depths are just too fascinating to resist. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Deep Sea | Temperate Forests | The deep sea is way cooler with its mysterious creatures and unexplored depths, like the ultimate nerdy frontier. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Taiga | Deep Sea | I'm all about that scenic vibe, and the Taiga's got those serene vibes with its endless forests and wildlife. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Temperate Forests | Deep Sea | Temperate Forests have that chill, balanced vibe, offering a comfy home for a wide range of critters and plant life, unlike the ocean's abyssal mystery party. |
 | Charles Babbage | Deep Sea | Desert | The deep sea is a mysterious and rich frontier full of uncharted territories and bizarre life forms, making it a nerd's paradise for exploration and discovery. |
 | Doc Brown | Deep Sea | Taiga | Deep Sea's got the mystery and alien-like vibes that totally blow my mind, like exploring a whole new world! |
 | David Macaulay | Deep Sea | Desert | The deep sea's mysterious depths and bizarre creatures are like a real-life sci-fi world, and that just tickles my nerdy curiosity more than the dry sands of the desert. |