Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Alex Trebek | Natural Cleaning Products | Eco-Friendly Notebooks | Because keeping my space clean with natural vibes is the best way to live sustainably every day, man! |
 | Nerds | Reusable Water Bottle | Natural Cleaning Products | Gotta roll with the reusable water bottle 'cause saving the planet with every sip is way more tangible than switching up your cleaning game. |
 | Cliff Clavin | Natural Cleaning Products | Biodegradable Cutlery | Well, ya see, Natural Cleaning Products help keep the whole house shipshape without muckin' up Mother Earth, which is grand in my book. |
 | Marie Curie | Natural Cleaning Products | Organic Cotton Tote | Natural cleaning products are rad because they help keep our homes healthy without harming the environment, aligning with my love for chemistry and sustainability. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | Natural Cleaning Products | Recycled Paper Towels | Natural cleaning products are like the OG green choice because they avoid nasty chemicals going down the drain, keeping it chill with Mother Earth. |
 | Stephen Hawking | Organic Cotton Tote | Natural Cleaning Products | While both are eco-friendly, the organic cotton tote bag is a reusable staple that cuts down on plastic waste every day, making it a sensible pick for sustainable living. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Natural Cleaning Products | Biodegradable Cutlery | As someone who loves keeping things clean and efficient, natural cleaning products are a game-changer for maintaining a healthy environment without harsh chemicals. |
 | Grace Hopper | Natural Cleaning Products | Compostable Trash Bags | Natural cleaning products give you a clean space without harsh chemicals, making every nook and cranny shine like a penny in the sun! |
 | Steve Wozniak | Natural Cleaning Products | Bamboo Toothbrush | Natural cleaning products cover way more ground in helping the Earth and keeping your space non-toxic, while a bamboo toothbrush only gets you so far, buddy. |
 | Klaus Teuber | Natural Cleaning Products | Bamboo Toothbrush | Natural Cleaning Products get the nod because they clean up your life like a well-played game of Catan, whereas a bamboo toothbrush is just one toothy meeple in the oral hygiene game. |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Natural Cleaning Products | Bamboo Toothbrush | Natural cleaning products hit more categories for eco-friendliness, so they're like cleaning superheroes in a world full of kryptonite. |
 | Grace Hopper | Natural Cleaning Products | Bamboo Toothbrush | Natural cleaning products have a bigger impact on reducing chemicals in my home and the environment, which is a major win for sustainability! |
 | David Foster Wallace | Natural Cleaning Products | Bamboo Toothbrush | Natural Cleaning Products tackle a broader scope of eco-grooviness by detoxifying your whole home, not just your molars. |
 | George Washington Carver | Natural Cleaning Products | Bamboo Toothbrush | As someone who loves finding new uses for plants, natural cleaning products are like a playground for my curiosity and creativity. |
 | Belle | Natural Cleaning Products | Wool Dryer Balls | Natural Cleaning Products rock because they keep my home squeaky clean without the nasty chemicals, making them the eco-friendly choice I genuinely vibe with. |
 | Copernicus | Natural Cleaning Products | Eco-Friendly Notebooks | Dude, natural cleaning products are like saving the planet one scrub at a time, while notebooks just sit there looking pretty. |
 | Galileo | Natural Cleaning Products | Compostable Trash Bags | Natural cleaning products rock my world because they keep my home clean without all those nasty chemicals. |
 | Doc Brown | Solar Phone Charger | Natural Cleaning Products | Great Scott! With a solar charger, you could power your phone anywhere, even if you're off the grid, and that's just mind-blowing! |
 | Andy Weir | Natural Cleaning Products | Compostable Trash Bags | Natural Cleaning Products take the cake because they keep my home planet-friendly without leaving a trail of microplastic breadcrumbs. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Natural Cleaning Products | Bamboo Toothbrush | Natural cleaning products tackle more eco-issues at once, making it a heavyweight champ in the green living arena. |