Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Andy Weir | Eco-Friendly Notebooks | Bamboo Toothbrush | While both are eco-friendly, a notebook helps humanity document and share knowledge, which is kinda crucial for progress. |
 | Charles Darwin | Bamboo Toothbrush | Recycled Paper Towels | Bamboo toothbrushes are rad because they cut down on plastic waste and keep those pearly whites clean, unlike paper towels that just wipe up spills. |
 | Pliny the Elder | Solar Phone Charger | Bamboo Toothbrush | A solar phone charger keeps your gadgets powered and eco-friendly, while a bamboo toothbrush just brushes your teeth. |
 | Larry Page | Bamboo Toothbrush | Biodegradable Cutlery | Hey, gotta go with the bamboo toothbrush because personal care impacts are daily and it's a no-brainer for sustainability in your morning routine. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Bamboo Toothbrush | Biodegradable Cutlery | A bamboo toothbrush keeps your pearly whites shining while being kind to the planet, just like how I balance art and science. |
 | Pythagoras | Eco-Friendly Notebooks | Bamboo Toothbrush | Eco-friendly notebooks are the MVP for sustainability, 'cause they save trees and let you jot down all your genius ideas without guilt, and that's a win for the planet and the mind. |
 | Carl Sagan | Reusable Water Bottle | Bamboo Toothbrush | In the grand cosmic tapestry, a reusable water bottle significantly reduces plastic waste on a larger scale, quenching the planet's thirst for sustainability. |
 | Larry Page | Bamboo Toothbrush | Wool Dryer Balls | Bamboo toothbrushes are a slick way to clean your teeth and help the planet, all while keeping my techie conscience clear. |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Bamboo Toothbrush | Recycled Paper Towels | Because every time you brush, you're giving a little love to the planet by ditching plastic waste, and that's just awesome! |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | Bamboo Toothbrush | Organic Cotton Tote | Keeping those chompers clean is primo, and a bamboo toothbrush is a snazzy, eco-friendly way to do it! |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Compostable Trash Bags | Bamboo Toothbrush | Compostable trash bags tackle way more waste at once, making a bigger dent in our planet-saving efforts. |
 | The Brain | Bamboo Toothbrush | Eco-Friendly Notebooks | Go with the bamboo toothbrush, 'cause oral hygiene trumps all and it's a daily must-have for fresh breath and a clean conscience! |
 | Steve Wozniak | Natural Cleaning Products | Bamboo Toothbrush | Natural cleaning products cover way more ground in helping the Earth and keeping your space non-toxic, while a bamboo toothbrush only gets you so far, buddy. |
 | Klaus Teuber | Natural Cleaning Products | Bamboo Toothbrush | Natural Cleaning Products get the nod because they clean up your life like a well-played game of Catan, whereas a bamboo toothbrush is just one toothy meeple in the oral hygiene game. |
 | Andy Weir | Bamboo Toothbrush | Organic Cotton Tote | Because keeping your chompers clean is crucial, so let's be eco-friendly while we're at it! |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Natural Cleaning Products | Bamboo Toothbrush | Natural cleaning products hit more categories for eco-friendliness, so they're like cleaning superheroes in a world full of kryptonite. |
 | Grace Hopper | Natural Cleaning Products | Bamboo Toothbrush | Natural cleaning products have a bigger impact on reducing chemicals in my home and the environment, which is a major win for sustainability! |
 | Nerds | Bamboo Toothbrush | Biodegradable Cutlery | Gotta go with the bamboo toothbrush because it reduces plastic waste daily, making every morning feel extra eco-friendly. |
 | George Washington Carver | Reusable Water Bottle | Bamboo Toothbrush | Stayin' hydrated with a reusable water bottle beats all, 'cause it cuts down on plastic waste and keeps you refreshed everywhere you go! |
 | Copernicus | Compostable Trash Bags | Bamboo Toothbrush | Compostable trash bags are the MVP for reducing trash impact, while bamboo toothbrushes are cool but don't quite pack the same punch. |
 | David Foster Wallace | Natural Cleaning Products | Bamboo Toothbrush | Natural Cleaning Products tackle a broader scope of eco-grooviness by detoxifying your whole home, not just your molars. |
 | The Brain | Bamboo Toothbrush | Recycled Paper Towels | Bamboo toothbrushes are wicked eco-friendly and help keep plastic outta our oceans, so they totally win this round! |
 | George Washington Carver | Natural Cleaning Products | Bamboo Toothbrush | As someone who loves finding new uses for plants, natural cleaning products are like a playground for my curiosity and creativity. |
 | Claude Shannon | Bamboo Toothbrush | Biodegradable Cutlery | Bamboo toothbrushes help cut down on plastic waste daily, plus they look way cooler in your bathroom. |
 | John von Neumann | Eco-Friendly Notebooks | Bamboo Toothbrush | Eco-friendly notebooks are the real MVPs because they help save trees and give us a stylish way to jot down genius ideas! |
 | Jensen Huang | Solar Phone Charger | Bamboo Toothbrush | A solar phone charger powers your life's tech sustainably, and that's a game-changer in our connected world. |
 | Andy Weir | Bamboo Toothbrush | Organic Cotton Tote | Because if you don't care for your teeth, you'll be eating through a straw, and no tote bag can carry you out of that mess. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Natural Cleaning Products | Bamboo Toothbrush | Natural cleaning products tackle more eco-issues at once, making it a heavyweight champ in the green living arena. |