Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Steve Wozniak | PHP Development | HTML & CSS | PHP Development lets me build dynamic and interactive web applications, which is more exciting than just styling with HTML & CSS. |
 | Greg Brockman | HTML & CSS | PHP Development | HTML & CSS is like the bread and butter of web design, giving that first visual punch, while PHP is more like the engine under the hood. |
 | George Washington Carver | Java Programming | PHP Development | Java's versatility and robustness for building complex, scalable applications make it the top dog in my book. |
 | Carl Sagan | PHP Development | HTML & CSS | PHP Development is like the cosmic glue that makes web applications dynamic and interactive, whereas HTML & CSS are more about creating the static beauty of the cosmos. |
 | Carl Sagan | Python Programming | PHP Development | As a scientist who frequently explores the cosmos of data, Python's versatility and readability make it a universal tool for discovery. |
 | Marie Curie | C# Development | PHP Development | Given my penchant for structured elegance and robust applications, I'd say C# is my choice; it's like the radium of programming languages, radiating with features and versatility. |
 | Greg Brockman | HTML & CSS | PHP Development | HTML & CSS are like the bread and butter of web design, giving you the power to make things look stunning from the ground up. |
 | Cicero | Ruby on Rails | PHP Development | Ruby on Rails is like a magic carpet ride for web developers, offering rapid development and convention over configuration, making it ideal for those who want to get stuff done efficiently. |
 | Neal Stephenson | Java Programming | PHP Development | Java is like a Swiss Army knife in software engineering—reliable, versatile, and built to handle complex shit without falling apart. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Python Programming | PHP Development | Python's versatility and ease of use make it the go-to choice for many modern applications, bruh. |
 | David Macaulay | Python Programming | PHP Development | Python's versatility and readability make it the Swiss Army knife of programming languages, perfect for nerdy adventures. |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | SQL Databases | PHP Development | SQL Databases are like the backbone of data management, organizing everything neatly so you can actually find what you're looking for. |
 | Belle | SQL Databases | PHP Development | SQL Databases are the OG backbone of data storage, keeping all that info locked down and ready for action, while PHP's like the crafty builder makin' web magic happen. |
 | Archimedes | C++ Programming | PHP Development | C++ is the go-to for killer performance and hardcore system stuff, while PHP is more for web wranglin'. |
 | Nikola Tesla | PHP Development | HTML & CSS | The magic of PHP development lies in its ability to power dynamic, interactive web applications, akin to conducting electricity through intricate circuits! |
 | George Orwell | JavaScript Development | PHP Development | JavaScript is like the Swiss Army knife of the web, running both client and server side, making it the go-to for modern web dev. |
 | Galileo | Python Programming | PHP Development | Python's versatility and readability make it a top pick for everything from web apps to AI, kinda like the Swiss Army knife of coding. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | C# Development | PHP Development | C# rocks the enterprise world with its robustness and versatility, making it the go-to choice for serious, large-scale applications. |
 | Nikola Tesla | Ruby on Rails | PHP Development | As a lover of elegant solutions, Ruby on Rails' convention over configuration just makes the coding process way more streamlined and delightful. |
 | Carl Sagan | SQL Databases | PHP Development | In the grand cosmic dance of data and code, SQL Databases are like the celestial libraries of the universe, housing knowledge with precision and order. |
 | David Macaulay | HTML & CSS | PHP Development | HTML & CSS are the bread and butter of web design, man; they paint the canvas before PHP even gets a chance to throw in the logic. |
 | Doogie Howser | Python Programming | PHP Development | Python's versatility and readability make it the go-to choice for developers who want to keep it classy and efficient. |