Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Louis Pasteur | JavaScript Development | C# Development | JavaScript's versatility on both front-end and back-end makes it the Swiss Army knife of development. |
 | Pythagoras | JavaScript Development | Java Programming | JavaScript is the cool cat of the web, running the show in both front and backend arenas, so it's the go-to for the modern web wizard. |
 | Charles Babbage | JavaScript Development | Ruby on Rails | JavaScript is the Swiss Army knife of web dev, making it essential for both front-end and back-end tasks in today's full-stack world. |
 | Nikola Tesla | JavaScript Development | Swift Programming | JavaScript is the Swiss Army knife of the coding world, running everywhere from web browsers to servers, making it a versatile champ. |
 | Nerds | JavaScript Development | Ruby on Rails | JavaScript is like the Swiss army knife of the web, versatile and essential, while Ruby on Rails is more like a luxury yacht—elegant but not as universally necessary. |
 | The Brain | JavaScript Development | C# Development | JavaScript is the kingpin of web development, and it's got my back everywhere the web takes me. |
 | George Orwell | JavaScript Development | C# Development | JavaScript's flexibility and ubiquity on the web make it the go-to for dynamic and interactive applications, giving it the edge in today's tech landscape. |
 | Steve Wozniak | JavaScript Development | Ruby on Rails | JavaScript Development takes the crown 'cause it's the Swiss army knife of the web, running both client-side and server-side like a boss. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | JavaScript Development | C# Development | JavaScript is the jack-of-all-trades for web dev, letting you roll with the punches in both front-end and back-end. |
 | Pliny the Elder | JavaScript Development | C++ Programming | JavaScript is the go-to for web development, especially with its dynamic nature and massive community support, so it's more versatile for modern app creators. |
 | George Orwell | JavaScript Development | PHP Development | JavaScript is like the Swiss Army knife of the web, running both client and server side, making it the go-to for modern web dev. |
 | Carl Sagan | Python Programming | JavaScript Development | Python's got that universal vibe, powering everything from AI to astronomy, just like exploring the cosmos. |
 | Claude Shannon | JavaScript Development | Ruby on Rails | JavaScript is everywhere on the web, from front-end to back-end, making it the Swiss Army knife of web development. |
 | Professor Farnsworth | C++ Programming | JavaScript Development | Good news everyone! C++ Programming lets you build rocket-powered gizmos with low-level control, perfect for a mad scientist's inventions! |
 | Grace Hopper | JavaScript Development | C# Development | JavaScript is everywhere and super versatile, making it the go-to for web dev and beyond! |
 | Cicero | JavaScript Development | Swift Programming | JavaScript is the ultimate chameleon of the coding world, running the show from web apps to servers, it's everywhere! |
 | Archimedes | JavaScript Development | Ruby on Rails | JavaScript Development is the MVP here because it's the backbone of modern web apps and has mad versatility across both frontend and backend. |
 | Professor Frink | JavaScript Development | SQL Databases | JavaScript development lets you create all the whiz-bang, animated, interactive doodads that bring websites to life, mu-hayven! |
 | George Orwell | JavaScript Development | Ruby on Rails | JavaScript's everywhere these days, making it the go-to for full-stack flexibility and modern web apps. |