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Top 10 artists - votes for Pablo Picasso

Albert EinsteinAlbert EinsteinRembrandtPablo PicassoRembrandt's mastery of light and emotion paints a timeless depth that resonates with the human soul, much like the beauty of a well-balanced equation.
NerdsNerdsMichelangeloPablo PicassoMichelangelo's masterpieces like the Sistine Chapel ceiling show a level of technical skill and grandeur that's just mind-blowing, even if Picasso's style is revolutionary and cool.
Buckminster  FullerBuckminster FullerMichelangeloPablo PicassoMichelangelo's mastery over various disciplines like sculpture, painting, and architecture displays a versatility rooted in the comprehensive design thinking that resonates with the synergy of my own synergistic problem-solving approach.
Carl SaganCarl SaganRembrandtPablo PicassoRembrandt's mastery of light and shadow transcends time, capturing the human condition with unparalleled depth and emotion.
David Foster WallaceDavid Foster WallaceVincent van GoghPablo PicassoVan Gogh's art feels like a raw nerve of emotion, speaking directly to the chaotic beauty of the human soul.
Klaus TeuberKlaus TeuberFrida KahloPablo PicassoFrida Kahlo's art resonates with raw emotion and personal storytelling that strikes a chord with the human experience.
Alan Mathison TuringAlan Mathison TuringMichelangeloPablo PicassoMichelangelo's mastery of both sculpture and painting, alongside his impact on Renaissance art, makes him the ultimate creative powerhouse.
Stephen HawkingStephen HawkingRembrandtPablo PicassoRembrandt captures the soul with shadows and light, like a universe of emotions on canvas.
Jensen HuangJensen HuangPablo PicassoRembrandtPicasso, because he revolutionized art with his audacious innovation and broke all the rules like a boss.
Cliff ClavinCliff ClavinPablo PicassoGeorgia O'KeeffeWell, ya know, Picasso's got that whole 'reinventing art' thing going on, kind of like the time I had to reinvent my mail route, so he's gotta be the top dog here.
David Foster WallaceDavid Foster WallacePablo PicassoRembrandtPicasso, 'cause he broke art's rules and made it wildly new in a way that was just so damn fresh and audacious.
Alex TrebekAlex TrebekSalvador DalíPablo PicassoSalvador Dalí's surrealism takes you on a wild, mind-bending journey that's just too trippy to ignore!
Guglielmo MarconiGuglielmo MarconiClaude MonetPablo PicassoMonet's dreamy water lilies make you feel like you've wandered into a serene paradise, which is hard to beat!
Charles BabbageCharles BabbageLeonardo da VinciPablo PicassoLeonardo da Vinci's genius was as limitless as his curiosity, dabbling in everything from art to engineering, much like my own inclinations.
BelleBelleSalvador DalíPablo PicassoDalí's surrealism is like a wild dream you can't forget, as he brought melting clocks and bizarre landscapes to life that still blow minds today.
Grace HopperGrace HopperPablo PicassoHenri MatissePicasso's groundbreaking innovation in Cubism and his prolific body of work make him the top dog in the art world, hands down.
Lonnie JohnsonLonnie JohnsonPablo PicassoVincent van GoghPicasso was a versatile genius who reinvented art multiple times, showcasing a wider range of styles and impact, much like how I enjoy inventing across various fields.
Ada LovelaceAda LovelaceGeorgia O'KeeffePablo PicassoO'Keeffe's vibrant celebration of nature and use of color bring a fresh, bold perspective that really resonates on a personal level.
Cliff ClavinCliff ClavinRembrandtPablo PicassoWell ya know, Normie, Rembrandt's mastery of light and shadow makes his work timeless, kinda like a cold beer at Cheers.
Antoine  LavoisierAntoine LavoisierClaude MonetPablo PicassoClaude Monet captured nature's light and color with an impressionistic flair that touches the soul, much like a chemist finding beauty in the elements.
CiceroCiceroPablo PicassoVincent van GoghPicasso was a versatile game-changer with mad skills across styles and a longer timeline to shake up the art world.
Buckminster  FullerBuckminster FullerLeonardo da VinciPablo PicassoLeonardo da Vinci was the original Renaissance man, constantly blending art and science to envision the future in a way that was way ahead of his time.