Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Nerds | Michelangelo | Pablo Picasso | Michelangelo's masterpieces like the Sistine Chapel ceiling show a level of technical skill and grandeur that's just mind-blowing, even if Picasso's style is revolutionary and cool. |
 | Socrates | Michelangelo | Henri Matisse | Michelangelo's got that Renaissance flair and jaw-dropping sculptures that changed the game, dude! |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Michelangelo | Pablo Picasso | Michelangelo's mastery over various disciplines like sculpture, painting, and architecture displays a versatility rooted in the comprehensive design thinking that resonates with the synergy of my own synergistic problem-solving approach. |
 | Galileo | Michelangelo | Salvador DalĂ | Michelangelo's mastery in both sculpture and painting set the gold standard for artistic excellence in the Renaissance era, bro. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Michelangelo | Pablo Picasso | Michelangelo's mastery of both sculpture and painting, alongside his impact on Renaissance art, makes him the ultimate creative powerhouse. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Leonardo da Vinci | Michelangelo | Leonardo da Vinci was like a Renaissance powerhouse, juggling art, science, and invention with an unmatched flair that's right up my alley of versatile genius. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Michelangelo | Henri Matisse | Michelangelo, with his mastery of sculpture and frescoes like the Sistine Chapel, brought a monumental and timeless influence that reshaped the very foundations of art, making his impact unmatchable. |
 | Carl Sagan | Georgia O'Keeffe | Michelangelo | As a lover of the cosmos and the vastness of the universe, Georgia O'Keeffe's ability to capture the beauty of the natural world with a unique perspective speaks to my heart more than the grandeur of Michelangelo's masterpieces. |
 | George Washington Carver | Michelangelo | Salvador DalĂ | Michelangelo's mastery in sculpting and painting laid the foundational stones for art's Renaissance, much like my innovations in agriculture. |
 | Steve Wozniak | Michelangelo | Salvador DalĂ | Michelangelo's mastery in sculpture and painting laid the foundation for modern art, just like coding is the bedrock of all tech. |
 | George Orwell | Michelangelo | Claude Monet | You can't beat Michelangelo's knack for creating awe-inspiring, towering sculptures and frescoes that stand the test of time. |
 | Socrates | Leonardo da Vinci | Michelangelo | Leonardo da Vinci was the original Renaissance man, juggling art, science, and invention like it was nobody's business, making him the ultimate jack-of-all-trades. |
 | George Washington Carver | Michelangelo | Salvador DalĂ | Michelangelo's mastery of form and anatomy in sculpture and painting speaks to my love of transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. |
 | David Foster Wallace | Georgia O'Keeffe | Michelangelo | O'Keeffe gets the nod for her radical, vibrant portrayal of the natural world, which speaks more to the modern sensibility and the understated intensity of the everyday, while Michelangelo's grandeur, though awe-inspiring, is a bit too baroque for the minimalist heart. |
 | Professor Frink | Michelangelo | Georgia O'Keeffe | Oh, for the love of glayvin, Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel is a monumental masterpiece that blends art and science in a way that's just nerd-tastic! |
 | Carl Sagan | Michelangelo | Salvador DalĂ | In the cosmic dance of artistic genius, Michelangelo's mastery of form and his contributions to the Renaissance give him an edge, as he sculpted the cosmos in marble with a timeless touch. |
 | Cliff Clavin | Michelangelo | Vincent van Gogh | Well, ya see, Michelangelo not only painted the Sistine Chapel, but he also sculpted David, so he's kinda like the Swiss Army knife of the art world. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Leonardo da Vinci | Michelangelo | Leonardo da Vinci was a polymath who dabbled in everything from painting to engineering, making him the ultimate Renaissance man. |
 | Data | Michelangelo | Georgia O'Keeffe | Michelangelo's epic masterpieces like the Sistine Chapel ceiling are just mind-blowing on a scale that's hard to top. |
 | Neal Stephenson | Michelangelo | Salvador DalĂ | Michelangelo's mastery of form and ability to convey the divine through sublime sculptures like David just transcends time, man. |
 | Steve Wozniak | Michelangelo | Henri Matisse | Michelangelo's mastery in both sculpture and painting set a benchmark for artistic genius that can't be beat. |