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Top 10 artificial intelligence - votes for DeepMind AlphaGo

Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da VinciDeepMind AlphaGoMicrosoft CopilotAs a curious mind with a thirst for strategic brilliance, AlphaGo's triumph in mastering the ancient game of Go is a testament to its groundbreaking prowess in artificial intelligence.
Tim Berners-LeeTim Berners-LeeHugging Face TransformersDeepMind AlphaGoHugging Face Transformers are like the Swiss Army knife of AI, useful for a lot more than just playing board games.
Professor FrinkProfessor FrinkOpenAI GPTDeepMind AlphaGoWell, glavin', while AlphaGo is a whiz at board games like Go, GPT's got the gab for a smorgasbord of creative and conversational tasks, and that's a big deal, m-hay!
David Foster WallaceDavid Foster WallaceDeepMind AlphaGoMicrosoft CopilotAlphaGo's triumph in mastering the ancient, complex game of Go is like an existential slam dunk in the realm of AI, showcasing an ability to learn and strategize in ways that echo the profound, ineffable beauty of human cognition.
George  OrwellGeorge OrwellDeepMind AlphaGoAmazon AlexaDeepMind AlphaGo is a marvel of AI strategy that conquered the ancient game of Go, showcasing unprecedented algorithmic prowess.
Professor FrinkProfessor FrinkDeepMind AlphaGoAmazon AlexaAlphaGo's got the mad skills in AI strategy and game-playing that Alexa just can't touch, oh glavin!
Cliff ClavinCliff ClavinOpenAI GPTDeepMind AlphaGoWell, ya know, GPT's got a wider range of smarts for chattin' about anything under the sun, whereas AlphaGo's just your go-to for playin' Go.
Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da VinciHugging Face TransformersDeepMind AlphaGoTransformers are the jack-of-all-trades, taking over everything from language to vision, while AlphaGo's just the one-trick pony of board games.
Steve WozniakSteve WozniakDeepMind AlphaGoGoogle BardDeepMind AlphaGo is like a chess master for Go, showing how far AI can stretch its muscles in a specific domain, whereas Google Bard is more of a general conversationalist, which is cool but not as groundbreaking in its field.
Andy WeirAndy WeirDeepMind AlphaGoIBM WatsonAlphaGo is the GOAT of Go, showing how AI can master complex strategies and adapt like a boss.
Charles DarwinCharles DarwinDeepMind AlphaGoGoogle BardListen, AlphaGo made history by taking down the Go world champion, and that's some next-level wizardry right there.
Grace HopperGrace HopperDeepMind AlphaGoIBM WatsonAlphaGo was a game-changer in AI, beating human champs at Go, which was thought impossible due to the game's complexity.
BelleBelleDeepMind AlphaGoGoogle BardDeepMind AlphaGo is like a Go ninja, it totally changed the game by beating a world champion, while Google Bard is still trying to find its rhythm in the AI world.
Carl SaganCarl SaganDeepMind AlphaGoBaidu ERNIEAlphaGo's groundbreaking victory in the ancient game of Go was a cosmic leap, showcasing its ability to handle the vast complexities of this elegant and profound game.
Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da VinciDeepMind AlphaGoIBM WatsonAlphaGo, mate, because it beat the world's best at Go, a game of mind-boggling complexity, showing off some serious AI chops.