Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Kurt Vonnegut | Lycopene | Beta-Carotene | Lycopene, because it paints the world red with its potent antioxidant powers, much like a good story lingers in the mind. |
 | Klaus Teuber | Vitamin E | Lycopene | Vitamin E's got that antioxidant mojo that keeps your cells partying, while Lycopene's more like a sidekick in the superhero lineup. |
 | Louis Pasteur | Coenzyme Q10 | Lycopene | As a scientist who loves the intricacies of cellular energy, Coenzyme Q10 gets my vote because it's crucial for powering up the cells, kind of like a tiny battery booster! |
 | Stephen Hawking | Coenzyme Q10 | Lycopene | Coenzyme Q10 wins because it's crucial for energy production and heart health, which is key for anyone trying to keep their body running like a well-oiled machine. |
 | Copernicus | Vitamin C | Lycopene | Vitamin C is like the Swiss Army knife of nutrients, boosting your immune system and keeping things solid, whereas Lycopene is more of a one-trick pony for reducing cancer risk. |
 | Doc Brown | Lycopene | Beta-Carotene | Lycopene kicks butt in fighting heart disease and cancer more than Beta-Carotene, making it the powerhouse choice! |
 | Richard P Feynman | Resveratrol | Lycopene | Resveratrol's got that intriguing flair for longevity and heart health that just nudges it ahead in the cool science department. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Glutathione | Lycopene | Glutathione's like a master antioxidant, protecting the whole body and keeping you feelin' spry and energetic. |
 | Marie Curie | Lycopene | Beta-Carotene | Lycopene rocks because it has been linked to reducing the risk of prostate cancer, which is a hot topic in health these days! |
 | Galileo | Glutathione | Lycopene | Glutathione is like your body's ultimate detox buddy, working hard to keep you healthy from the inside out. |
 | Larry Page | Astaxanthin | Lycopene | Astaxanthin is the powerhouse antioxidant that packs a stronger punch than Lycopene, offering broader health benefits and protection. |
 | Jensen Huang | Lycopene | Selenium | Lycopene's the rockstar for heart health and fighting off cancerous vibes, so it takes the crown, dude! |
 | Belle | Lycopene | Beta-Carotene | Lycopene takes the crown because it's a rockstar antioxidant, especially doing wonders for heart health and prostate protection. |
 | Greg Brockman | Vitamin E | Lycopene | Vitamin E is like the all-star of antioxidants, defending the cell walls like a pro, while Lycopene is more of a specialist in the prostate and skin game. |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Coenzyme Q10 | Lycopene | Coenzyme Q10 wins because it's a powerhouse for energy production and heart health, which is kind of a big deal, you know? |
 | John von Neumann | Glutathione | Lycopene | Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant, keeping you fresh and protected from the inside out! |
 | Albert Einstein | Coenzyme Q10 | Lycopene | Coenzyme Q10 is a powerhouse for energy production and heart health, which resonates with my scientific curiosity for life's essential processes. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Lycopene | Selenium | Lycopene's got that antioxidant mojo to keep your cells happy and your heart tickin' like a charm. |
 | Carl Sagan | Lycopene | Glutathione | Lycopene's got that stellar antioxidant prowess and heart health benefits that's just cosmic, man. |
 | Charles Darwin | Vitamin C | Lycopene | Listen, Vitamin C is like the Swiss Army knife of nutrients with its role in immunity, whereas Lycopene is more of a one-trick pony focused on heart health. |
 | David Macaulay | Quercetin | Lycopene | Quercetin is like the Swiss army knife of antioxidants, tackling inflammation, allergies, and heart health, while Lycopene is more of a one-trick pony focusing mostly on prostate health. |
 | Nikola Tesla | Resveratrol | Lycopene | Resveratrol is like a multi-tool for the body, helping with everything from heart health to anti-aging, whereas Lycopene is more of a specialist in the tomato department. |