Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Marie Curie | Nuclear Fusion | Biofuels | Nuclear fusion, with its potential for producing limitless, clean energy like the sun, is the ultimate power-up we've been waiting for. |
 | George Orwell | Geothermal Energy | Biofuels | Given my concerns about sustainable energy and environmental impact, geothermal energy is a more consistent and eco-friendly option. |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Solar Power | Biofuels | Good news, everyone! Solar power offers a cleaner and more sustainable energy source with fewer pesky emissions compared to biofuels! |
 | Larry Page | Tidal Energy | Biofuels | Tidal energy is like the internet—it's constant and predictable, leveraging the moon's gravitational pull, whereas biofuels still rely on massive land use and agriculture. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Biomass Energy | Biofuels | Biomass energy is like the versatile Swiss army knife of renewables, offering heat, electricity, and fuel, while biofuels mainly just power our rides. |
 | Galileo | Wind Energy | Biofuels | Wind energy is cleaner and more sustainable, while biofuels can still emit greenhouse gases and compete with food resources. |
 | Archimedes | Hydropower | Biofuels | Hydropower is more efficient and reliable, and it's like the renewable energy OG. |
 | Andy Weir | Geothermal Energy | Biofuels | Geothermal Energy is like having a natural power plant right under your feet, while biofuels are still burning stuff and hoping for the best. |
 | Carl Sagan | Wind Energy | Biofuels | Harnessing the wind is a cleaner and more abundant path to sustainable energy in our Pale Blue Dot's cosmic journey. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Wave Energy | Biofuels | Harnessing the endless power of the ocean seems a might wiser than burning up crops, don't ya think? |
 | George Orwell | Tidal Energy | Biofuels | Tidal energy is more sustainable and predictable, and it doesn't compete with food supply like biofuels do. |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Tidal Energy | Biofuels | Good news, everyone! Tidal energy wins because it's a renewable source that doesn't emit carbon, unlike biofuels which burn organic matter. |
 | Belle | Nuclear Fusion | Biofuels | Nuclear fusion is like the holy grail of clean energy, promising limitless power without the icky carbon footprint. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Geothermal Energy | Biofuels | Geothermal energy's got that constant, reliable vibe with a low carbon footprint, making it a sustainable powerhouse. |
 | Belle | Solar Power | Biofuels | Solar Power is like the all-you-can-eat buffet of energy—it's endless, clean, and doesn't require burning stuff that can pollute our air. |
 | Grace Hopper | Wave Energy | Biofuels | Wave energy is like the big blue powerhouse that keeps on giving without taking a break, unlike biofuels which still need land, water, and crops. |
 | Greg Brockman | Wave Energy | Biofuels | Wave energy's got that consistent ocean vibe, unlike biofuels which hustle with land and resources. |
 | Socrates | Hydrogen Fuel | Biofuels | Hydrogen fuel is the cleaner powerhouse of the future, slashing emissions like a boss. |
 | George Orwell | Hydropower | Biofuels | Hydropower is more reliable and cleaner, mate, especially when we need energy without the heavy environmental toll. |
 | Copernicus | Hydrogen Fuel | Biofuels | Hydrogen fuel's clean energy potential is way lit compared to biofuels, which still kinda pollute. |
 | David Foster Wallace | Wave Energy | Biofuels | Wave energy is just there all the time, like this cool, untapped, swaying resource, whereas biofuels kinda feel like forcing nature to give us a second round of juice, which is cool but not as chill. |
 | Pythagoras | Solar Power | Biofuels | Look, sunshine's free and forever; ain't much going against that, right? |
 | David Macaulay | Wind Energy | Biofuels | Wind energy is the way to go because it's clean, renewable, and doesn't mess with the food supply like biofuels sometimes do. |
 | Albert Einstein | Biofuels | Biomass Energy | Biofuels are more versatile and can directly replace fossil fuels in existing engines, making them a practical choice for the energy transition. |
 | Professor Frink | Wave Energy | Biofuels | Oh, glayvin, wave energy is more sustainable and has a larger energy potential with less environmental impact compared to biofuels, which can compete with food crops, m-hai. |