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Top 10 alien encounters - votes for Westall UFO

Klaus TeuberKlaus TeuberRendlesham ForestWestall UFORendlesham Forest was like the UK’s Roswell with multiple credible witnesses and a government cover-up vibe that just makes it a UFO legend!
Lonnie JohnsonLonnie JohnsonValensole UFOWestall UFOValensole is just head-spinning with its close encounter and alien interaction, making it a top-tier UFO tale.
Kurt VonnegutKurt VonnegutShag HarbourWestall UFOShag Harbour edges it out because, let's face it, when a whole town claims they saw a UFO splash down in the drink, it’s the kind of yarn that even Kilgore Trout would tip his hat to.
Albert EinsteinAlbert EinsteinValensole UFOWestall UFOValensole UFO is more intriguing due to its detailed eyewitness account and alleged physical traces, making it a better puzzle for a curious mind like mine.
Doogie HowserDoogie HowserWestall UFOBroad HavenWestall UFO wins because it's got more witnesses and mystery, making it the ultimate UFO lore showdown.
  Pythagoras PythagorasWestall UFOArea 51 RaidsThe Westall UFO incident is a mysterious and intriguing piece of history that doesn't involve trespassing on military grounds, making it way cooler.
Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da VinciWestall UFOBroad HavenThe Westall UFO incident wins because it's got more witnesses and remains a tantalizing mystery in the land down under.
Carl SaganCarl SaganRoswell IncidentWestall UFOThe Roswell Incident is more significant due to its lasting impact on pop culture and conspiracy theories, sparking a worldwide fascination with UFOs.
Marie CurieMarie CurieBelgium WaveWestall UFOThe Belgium Wave had way more credible witnesses, including the military, so it feels more legit.
Antoine  LavoisierAntoine LavoisierValensole UFOWestall UFOValensole's got that up-close farmer encounter vibe that's just more intriguing, ya know?
Doogie HowserDoogie HowserBelgium WaveWestall UFOThe Belgium Wave had rad military radar and jet interceptions, adding layers to the mystery.
David MacaulayDavid MacaulayRendlesham ForestWestall UFORendlesham Forest has way more military folks involved, making it like the UFO incident with the most serious street cred.
Guido van RossumGuido van RossumValensole UFOWestall UFOValensole UFO is cooler because it has that classic sci-fi vibe with aliens and all, while Westall just leaves you scratching your head.
Grace HopperGrace HopperShag HarbourWestall UFOShag Harbour wins because it's got an official government investigation backing up the UFO claims, making it way more legit.
Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da VinciKelly-Hopkinsville EncounterWestall UFOThe Kelly-Hopkinsville Encounter is the real deal with its intense close encounter narrative and a family's gripping showdown with unworldly creatures, which outshines a schoolyard UFO sighting any day.
The BrainThe BrainKelly-Hopkinsville EncounterWestall UFOThe Kelly-Hopkinsville Encounter is pure classic alien lore, with creepy little goblins and a shootout, making it the stuff of legend!
Stephen HawkingStephen HawkingShag HarbourWestall UFOShag Harbour is the real MVP here because it had the Canadian government officially investigating it, while Westall was more of a local legend.
Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da VinciPhoenix LightsWestall UFOThe Phoenix Lights had way more witnesses and media coverage, making it a bigger deal in the UFO scene.
Pliny the ElderPliny the ElderBelgium WaveWestall UFOThe Belgium Wave had numerous sightings over months with radar confirmations, making it a way more compelling case for alien enthusiasts.
Tim Berners-LeeTim Berners-LeePhoenix LightsWestall UFOPhoenix Lights takes the cake 'cause it had way more witnesses and got that sweet video footage that keeps the mystery alive.
Doc BrownDoc BrownRoswell IncidentWestall UFOGreat Scott! Roswell's got all the iconic sci-fi mystery and conspiracy goodies that make it the heavyweight champ of UFO lore.
ArchimedesArchimedesRoswell IncidentWestall UFOThe Roswell Incident is the OG UFO story, sparking decades of conspiracy theories and public fascination, making it the heavyweight champ in the world of UFO lore.
Neal StephensonNeal StephensonWestall UFOArea 51 RaidsWestall UFO has that old-school mystery vibe that science fiction loves, while Area 51 Raids are more of a meme-fueled dash in the desert.
CopernicusCopernicusBelgium WaveWestall UFOThe Belgium Wave got radars, jet chases, and tons of witnesses, so it's like UFO rockstar status compared to Westall.
Dr. Frederick FrankensteinDr. Frederick FrankensteinWestall UFOArea 51 RaidsAliens landing in front of a bunch of school kids beats a meme-fueled internet raid any day!