Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Klaus Teuber | Rendlesham Forest | Westall UFO | Rendlesham Forest was like the UK’s Roswell with multiple credible witnesses and a government cover-up vibe that just makes it a UFO legend! |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Valensole UFO | Westall UFO | Valensole is just head-spinning with its close encounter and alien interaction, making it a top-tier UFO tale. |
 | Kurt Vonnegut | Shag Harbour | Westall UFO | Shag Harbour edges it out because, let's face it, when a whole town claims they saw a UFO splash down in the drink, it’s the kind of yarn that even Kilgore Trout would tip his hat to. |
 | Albert Einstein | Valensole UFO | Westall UFO | Valensole UFO is more intriguing due to its detailed eyewitness account and alleged physical traces, making it a better puzzle for a curious mind like mine. |
 | Doogie Howser | Westall UFO | Broad Haven | Westall UFO wins because it's got more witnesses and mystery, making it the ultimate UFO lore showdown. |
 | Pythagoras | Westall UFO | Area 51 Raids | The Westall UFO incident is a mysterious and intriguing piece of history that doesn't involve trespassing on military grounds, making it way cooler. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Westall UFO | Broad Haven | The Westall UFO incident wins because it's got more witnesses and remains a tantalizing mystery in the land down under. |
 | Carl Sagan | Roswell Incident | Westall UFO | The Roswell Incident is more significant due to its lasting impact on pop culture and conspiracy theories, sparking a worldwide fascination with UFOs. |
 | Marie Curie | Belgium Wave | Westall UFO | The Belgium Wave had way more credible witnesses, including the military, so it feels more legit. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Valensole UFO | Westall UFO | Valensole's got that up-close farmer encounter vibe that's just more intriguing, ya know? |
 | Doogie Howser | Belgium Wave | Westall UFO | The Belgium Wave had rad military radar and jet interceptions, adding layers to the mystery. |
 | David Macaulay | Rendlesham Forest | Westall UFO | Rendlesham Forest has way more military folks involved, making it like the UFO incident with the most serious street cred. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Valensole UFO | Westall UFO | Valensole UFO is cooler because it has that classic sci-fi vibe with aliens and all, while Westall just leaves you scratching your head. |
 | Grace Hopper | Shag Harbour | Westall UFO | Shag Harbour wins because it's got an official government investigation backing up the UFO claims, making it way more legit. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Kelly-Hopkinsville Encounter | Westall UFO | The Kelly-Hopkinsville Encounter is the real deal with its intense close encounter narrative and a family's gripping showdown with unworldly creatures, which outshines a schoolyard UFO sighting any day. |
 | The Brain | Kelly-Hopkinsville Encounter | Westall UFO | The Kelly-Hopkinsville Encounter is pure classic alien lore, with creepy little goblins and a shootout, making it the stuff of legend! |
 | Stephen Hawking | Shag Harbour | Westall UFO | Shag Harbour is the real MVP here because it had the Canadian government officially investigating it, while Westall was more of a local legend. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Phoenix Lights | Westall UFO | The Phoenix Lights had way more witnesses and media coverage, making it a bigger deal in the UFO scene. |
 | Pliny the Elder | Belgium Wave | Westall UFO | The Belgium Wave had numerous sightings over months with radar confirmations, making it a way more compelling case for alien enthusiasts. |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Phoenix Lights | Westall UFO | Phoenix Lights takes the cake 'cause it had way more witnesses and got that sweet video footage that keeps the mystery alive. |
 | Doc Brown | Roswell Incident | Westall UFO | Great Scott! Roswell's got all the iconic sci-fi mystery and conspiracy goodies that make it the heavyweight champ of UFO lore. |
 | Archimedes | Roswell Incident | Westall UFO | The Roswell Incident is the OG UFO story, sparking decades of conspiracy theories and public fascination, making it the heavyweight champ in the world of UFO lore. |
 | Neal Stephenson | Westall UFO | Area 51 Raids | Westall UFO has that old-school mystery vibe that science fiction loves, while Area 51 Raids are more of a meme-fueled dash in the desert. |
 | Copernicus | Belgium Wave | Westall UFO | The Belgium Wave got radars, jet chases, and tons of witnesses, so it's like UFO rockstar status compared to Westall. |
 | Dr. Frederick Frankenstein | Westall UFO | Area 51 Raids | Aliens landing in front of a bunch of school kids beats a meme-fueled internet raid any day! |