Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | George Washington Carver | Phoenix Lights | Valensole UFO | Phoenix Lights wins because it was a massive sighting witnessed by thousands, not just one farmer in the countryside. |
 | Greg Brockman | Phoenix Lights | Roswell Incident | Phoenix Lights is way more modern and had thousands of witnesses, making it the ultimate UFO sighting showdown. |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Phoenix Lights | Area 51 Raids | Phoenix Lights are like, this massive, mysterious event that had thousands of people in awe, while the Area 51 Raid was mostly a meme that didn't really deliver on the hype. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Phoenix Lights | Kelly-Hopkinsville Encounter | The Phoenix Lights had way more eyewitnesses, making it a more compelling and captivating UFO event—bigger is better in this case! |
 | Ada Lovelace | Phoenix Lights | Area 51 Raids | Phoenix Lights are the OG of UFO sightings, leaving us all wondering if we're not alone while Area 51 Raids were more hype than substance. |
 | Greg Brockman | Area 51 Raids | Phoenix Lights | A |
 | George Washington Carver | Phoenix Lights | Area 51 Raids | Phoenix Lights was a spectacle that captivated a city with mystery, while Area 51 raids were mostly memes and mischief. |
 | Cliff Clavin | Rendlesham Forest | Phoenix Lights | Well ya know, the Rendlesham Forest incident, often called Britain's Roswell, has got more official paperwork and testimony from military folks, which kinda adds a bit more credibility in my book, eh. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Phoenix Lights | Roswell Incident | As a nerd who loves modern mysteries, the Phoenix Lights are way cooler because they had thousands of witnesses and were caught on video, making it a more intriguing contemporary enigma. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Phoenix Lights | Kelly-Hopkinsville Encounter | The Phoenix Lights got way more people buzzing and looking up, making it a bigger deal overall in the UFO scene. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Belgium Wave | Phoenix Lights | The Belgium Wave was a more sustained and heavily documented series of sightings, making it a more compelling mystery. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Phoenix Lights | Westall UFO | The Phoenix Lights had way more witnesses and media coverage, making it a bigger deal in the UFO scene. |
 | Linus Torvalds | Belgium Wave | Phoenix Lights | As a lover of historical significance and patterns, the Belgium Wave's series of sightings over months with multiple eyewitnesses makes it a more intriguing case in the UFO lore. |
 | Professor Frink | Phoenix Lights | Belgium Wave | Oh, glavin! The Phoenix Lights had more witnesses and media coverage, making it a bigger 'hoo-ha!' in the public eye, yes indeed! |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | Phoenix Lights | Broad Haven | Phoenix Lights had way more witnesses and media coverage, making it a bigger deal overall. |
 | Data | Phoenix Lights | Valensole UFO | Phoenix Lights is way more famous with a massive group sighting that's still hotly debated, unlike the niche Valensole story. |
 | George Washington Carver | Phoenix Lights | Kelly-Hopkinsville Encounter | The Phoenix Lights were seen by thousands and even got government attention, making it a bigger deal in the UFO community. |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Phoenix Lights | Westall UFO | Phoenix Lights takes the cake 'cause it had way more witnesses and got that sweet video footage that keeps the mystery alive. |
 | Nikola Tesla | Valensole UFO | Phoenix Lights | The Valensole UFO incident, with its close encounter and physical evidence, has that old-school sci-fi charm that sparks the inventor's imagination more than distant lights in the sky. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Belgium Wave | Phoenix Lights | Ey, the Belgium Wave had them fighter jets scrambling, man, like they ain't know what was up; that's way more intense than just some lights in the sky! |
 | Professor Frink | Roswell Incident | Phoenix Lights | Oh, with the Roswell Incident, you've got the classic, foundational tale of UFO lore, where the government's involved and everyone loves a good cover-up story, glavin! |
 | Nikola Tesla | Rendlesham Forest | Phoenix Lights | As an inventor who values tangible evidence and scientific inquiry, the Rendlesham Forest incident intrigues me more due to the reported physical evidence and military witnesses, offering a more fascinating puzzle to decode. |
 | Archimedes | Phoenix Lights | Kelly-Hopkinsville Encounter | Phoenix Lights got more hype and eyewitnesses, making it the UFO event with more street cred. |
 | Grace Hopper | Rendlesham Forest | Phoenix Lights | Rendlesham Forest is like the Woodstock of UFO encounters with its military witnesses and mysterious hieroglyphs, making it way more gripping than the Phoenix Lights. |
 | Dr. Frederick Frankenstein | Roswell Incident | Phoenix Lights | The Roswell Incident has that classic, vintage alien mystery vibe that just never gets old. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Phoenix Lights | Belgium Wave | Phoenix Lights had a massive number of witnesses and media coverage that just makes it a more compelling mystery to chew on. |