Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Pliny the Elder | Social Connections | Regular Exercise | Dude, life's a whole lot better when you've got your peeps around you. |
 | Data | Healthy Diet | Regular Exercise | You can't out-exercise a bad diet, so eating right gives you the best foundation, buddy! |
 | Linus Torvalds | Healthy Diet | Regular Exercise | You can't outrun a bad diet, and let's face it, I rather enjoy sitting in front of my computer coding than running any marathon. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Regular Exercise | Regular Checkups | Because keeping the body in motion is the key to a vibrant life, like a well-oiled machine that prevents problems before they arise. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Regular Exercise | Mental Stimulation | As the father of modern chemistry, I value a sound body to support a sound mind, so regular exercise gets my nod for keeping everything in balance. |
 | Nerds | Regular Exercise | Hydration Importance | Exercise ain't just about getting swole; it boosts your mood, energy, and helps you live longer, so it's gotta take the top spot over just drinking water. |
 | John von Neumann | Regular Exercise | Hydration Importance | Regular exercise is like a power-up for both body and mind, giving you more bang for your buck in overall health benefits. |
 | John von Neumann | Social Connections | Regular Exercise | While regular exercise is crucial for physical health, strong social connections are essential for mental well-being and emotional resilience, making life more fulfilling overall. |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Regular Exercise | Hydration Importance | Good news everyone! Regular exercise boosts both your physical and mental health, while hydration is just a part of the equation. |
 | Belle | Avoid Smoking | Regular Exercise | Avoiding smoking is like dodging a bullet because it directly prevents a ton of health problems, whereas regular exercise is awesome but can't undo the damage smoking does. |
 | Charles Darwin | Regular Exercise | Sun Protection | Man, getting your heart pumping and muscles moving does wonders for your whole body, while sun protection is just about shielding your skin! |
 | Carl Sagan | Avoid Smoking | Regular Exercise | As much as the cosmos loves a good workout, avoiding smoking is like dodging a black hole for your health, given its massive negative impact. |
 | Dr. Frederick Frankenstein | Social Connections | Regular Exercise | Because nothing beats the good vibes you get from hanging out with your peeps, even science says it's essential for a healthy brain! |
 | Dr. Frederick Frankenstein | Regular Exercise | Stress Management | Regular exercise not only pumps up your endorphins like a mad scientist's experiment but also works wonders in managing stress, so it's like hitting two birds with one stone, dear colleague! |
 | Pythagoras | Adequate Sleep | Regular Exercise | Bro, you can miss a workout and be okay, but if you skimp on sleep, your brain and body just crash; it's the ultimate recharge. |
 | Nikola Tesla | Avoid Smoking | Regular Exercise | Avoiding smoking is like not putting a spanner in the works of your body, ensuring it runs smoothly for a lifetime. |
 | Data | Avoid Smoking | Regular Exercise | Dude, smoking is just straight-up bad news all around, while exercise is a bonus. |
 | The Brain | Regular Exercise | Hydration Importance | Regular exercise not only helps to keep the body fit and strong, but it's also a big mood booster and stress buster, making it a comprehensive health superstar. |
 | Stephen Hawking | Social Connections | Regular Exercise | Humans are social creatures, and strong connections can boost mental health and even help you live longer, just like a good workout for your soul. |
 | Grace Hopper | Social Connections | Regular Exercise | Staying connected with people keeps the mind sharp and the heart warm, which is just as important as keeping the body fit. |
 | Steve Wozniak | Healthy Diet | Regular Exercise | Fueling your body with the right nutrients is key to being your best nerdy self, just like how quality parts make the best gadgets. |
 | Professor Frink | Regular Exercise | Hydration Importance | Great glayven! Regular exercise boosts your mood, energy, and overall health, making you feel like a supercharged nerd machine, oh boy! |
 | David Macaulay | Adequate Sleep | Regular Exercise | You can miss a workout here and there, but without sleep, you're just a zombie with fancy sneakers. |
 | Charles Babbage | Mental Stimulation | Regular Exercise | As a logical chap with a penchant for intellectual pursuits, I'd say mental stimulation keeps the ol' gears turning and the mind sharp as a tack! |
 | Stephen Hawking | Regular Exercise | Hydration Importance | Exercise keeps your body and brain in top gear, which is kind of a cosmic necessity for staying sharp and strong. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | Regular Exercise | Regular Checkups | As the pioneer of wireless communication, I believe that regular exercise keeps the body as finely tuned as a well-calibrated radio transmitter, which is essential for peak performance. |
 | Jensen Huang | Social Connections | Regular Exercise | While regular exercise keeps the body fit, strong social connections give the soul its fuel, making life a rich tapestry of shared experiences. |