Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Copernicus | Avoid Smoking | Sun Protection | Avoiding smoking is like dodging a bullet for your health 'cause it's a major cause of lung cancer and heart disease, while sun protection is more about preventing skin issues. |
 | David Macaulay | Avoid Smoking | Hydration Importance | Avoiding smoking is like dodging a bullet because it directly spares your lungs and overall health from a world of hurt. |
 | Pythagoras | Social Connections | Avoid Smoking | Being connected with others is the magic sauce for happiness and longevity, more so than steering clear of cigarettes. |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Avoid Smoking | Hydration Importance | Avoiding smoking is crucial 'cause it prevents a whole lot of health issues down the road, mate. |
 | Belle | Avoid Smoking | Regular Exercise | Avoiding smoking is like dodging a bullet because it directly prevents a ton of health problems, whereas regular exercise is awesome but can't undo the damage smoking does. |
 | Doc Brown | Avoid Smoking | Hydration Importance | Avoiding smoking is crucial because it massively impacts nearly every part of your body negatively, unlike just skimping on water. |
 | Carl Sagan | Avoid Smoking | Regular Exercise | As much as the cosmos loves a good workout, avoiding smoking is like dodging a black hole for your health, given its massive negative impact. |
 | Linus Torvalds | Avoid Smoking | Mental Stimulation | Avoiding smoking is a no-brainer for long-term health, while mental stimulation can take many forms, some of which are even better without the haze of smoke. |
 | Nerds | Avoid Smoking | Mental Stimulation | Avoiding smoking is like adding years to your life, while mental stimulation is just adding fun to your years. |
 | John von Neumann | Avoid Smoking | Hydration Importance | Avoiding smoking is crucial because it can prevent a ton of serious health issues right off the bat. |
 | Nikola Tesla | Avoid Smoking | Regular Exercise | Avoiding smoking is like not putting a spanner in the works of your body, ensuring it runs smoothly for a lifetime. |
 | Data | Avoid Smoking | Regular Exercise | Dude, smoking is just straight-up bad news all around, while exercise is a bonus. |
 | Carl Sagan | Avoid Smoking | Hydration Importance | Smoking is a giant cosmic bummer for your health, eclipsing the need to stay hydrated with how much it messes up your body. |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Avoid Smoking | Hydration Importance | Avoiding smoking has a more significant impact on overall health by reducing the risk of serious diseases like cancer and heart issues. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Social Connections | Avoid Smoking | Life's a whole lot richer with good mates than a pack of cigarettes, mate. |
 | Claude Shannon | Avoid Smoking | Healthy Diet | Buddy, quitting smoking's like hitting the jackpot for your health, 'cause those cancer sticks are real life-shorteners! |
 | Copernicus | Avoid Smoking | Social Connections | Avoiding smoking directly cuts out major health risks that can really mess you up, so it's gotta take the win here. |