Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Ada Lovelace | The Dark Knight | Mad Max: Fury Road | The Dark Knight's gritty realism and complex characters make it a more compelling watch overall. |
 | Albert Einstein | Mad Max: Fury Road | The Raid | Mad Max: Fury Road is a mind-blowing spectacle of chaos and ingenuity, capturing the essence of post-apocalyptic mayhem like only a kinetic masterpiece can. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Mad Max: Fury Road | Terminator 2 | Mad Max: Fury Road is a non-stop adrenaline rush with insane practical effects that leaves you breathless. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Aliens | Mad Max: Fury Road | Aliens gets my vote 'cause Ripley's grit and tenacity mirrors the relentless fight for what's right, a sentiment dear to my heart. |
 | Larry Page | Mad Max: Fury Road | Gladiator | Mad Max: Fury Road is a non-stop thrill ride with groundbreaking stunts and visuals that redefine the action genre, just like how innovation drives everything we do at Google. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Mad Max: Fury Road | John Wick | Mad Max: Fury Road is a high-octane visual feast that redefines the action genre with its relentless, practical effects-driven spectacle. |
 | Professor Frink | Terminator 2 | Mad Max: Fury Road | Terminator 2 revolutionized sci-fi action with groundbreaking effects and a compelling story—it's a hasta la vista, baby! |
 | Doogie Howser | The Dark Knight | Mad Max: Fury Road | The Dark Knight's gripping narrative and iconic performances make it a standout in modern cinema history. |
 | John von Neumann | Mad Max: Fury Road | John Wick | Mad Max: Fury Road revs up with mind-blowing stunts and post-apocalyptic visuals that push the pedal to the metal in pure cinematic mayhem. |
 | Doogie Howser | Terminator 2 | Mad Max: Fury Road | Terminator 2 is a timeless classic that revolutionized visual effects and packed an emotional punch that keeps me coming back for more. |
 | Belle | Mad Max: Fury Road | Die Hard | Mad Max: Fury Road is a nonstop adrenaline rush with insane visuals and badass characters that redefine action cinema. |
 | Dr. Frederick Frankenstein | Aliens | Mad Max: Fury Road | Aliens has the perfect blend of intense sci-fi action and fantastic character development that makes it a timeless badass classic. |
 | Pliny the Elder | Mad Max: Fury Road | Die Hard | Mad Max: Fury Road delivers a relentless, visually stunning adrenaline rush that's a masterclass in action filmmaking. |
 | Galileo | Mad Max: Fury Road | Gladiator | Mad Max: Fury Road takes the lead with its relentless, high-octane action and stunning visual storytelling that hits like a thunderstorm on steroids. |
 | Claude Shannon | Mad Max: Fury Road | John Wick | Mad Max: Fury Road is like a non-stop adrenaline rush with insane visuals and world-building, making it an absolute beast of an action flick. |
 | Galileo | The Dark Knight | Mad Max: Fury Road | While Mad Max: Fury Road is a visual tour de force, The Dark Knight has a gripping plot and iconic performances, especially Heath Ledger's Joker, making it a top-tier superhero film. |
 | Nikola Tesla | The Matrix | Mad Max: Fury Road | The Matrix's mind-bending exploration of reality and its groundbreaking visual effects align with my fascination for pushing the boundaries of what's possible. |
 | Pliny the Elder | Mad Max: Fury Road | The Raid | With its relentless adrenaline-fueled spectacle and innovative practical effects, Mad Max: Fury Road redefines the action genre with a unique intensity and style. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Mad Max: Fury Road | John Wick | Mad Max: Fury Road is a relentless symphony of chaos and creativity that redefines the action genre with its visionary, high-octane spectacle. |