Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Jensen Huang | Aliens | John Wick | Aliens wins because it's a sci-fi classic that spawned an entire genre, blending horror and action in a way that redefined cinematic intensity. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Die Hard | John Wick | Die Hard is the OG action flick that set the standard for badassery and Christmas chaos, bro! |
 | Doc Brown | Die Hard | John Wick | Yippee-ki-yay, Die Hard is the OG action flick that set the standard for everything that followed! |
 | David Foster Wallace | Inception | John Wick | Inception's narrative complexity and exploration of dreams and reality align with my penchant for intricate storytelling and philosophical musings. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Die Hard | John Wick | Well, partner, Die Hard is the original yippee-ki-yay classic that set the gold standard for action flicks, much like how a good speech sets the tone for democracy. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Aliens | John Wick | Aliens has that iconic sci-fi brilliance and character depth that even a coding nerd can't resist. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Terminator 2 | John Wick | Terminator 2 is a legendary classic that revolutionized action movies with groundbreaking special effects and an iconic storyline, much like how my work revolutionized chemistry. |
 | Cliff Clavin | The Raid | John Wick | Well, ya know, The Raid's got that edge with its intense hand-to-hand combat scenes, it's like watching a well-choreographed ballet with punches! |
 | Nikola Tesla | The Dark Knight | John Wick | The Dark Knight's got that electrifying combo of deep storytelling and legendary performances that just zaps you right in the feels, man. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Mad Max: Fury Road | John Wick | Mad Max: Fury Road is a high-octane visual feast that redefines the action genre with its relentless, practical effects-driven spectacle. |
 | Cicero | Aliens | John Wick | Aliens is a sci-fi classic that combines thrilling action with deep storytelling and iconic characters, making it a timeless masterpiece. |
 | Richard P Feynman | The Dark Knight | John Wick | The Dark Knight dives deep into the human psyche with complex characters like the Joker, making it not just a film, but a fascinating study of chaos and morality. |
 | Cicero | Inception | John Wick | Inception takes the cake with its mind-bending plot and layered storytelling that just makes you think, man! |
 | Albert Einstein | The Matrix | John Wick | In The Matrix, the blend of philosophy, action, and mind-bending concepts creates a whole new reality, much like my theory of relativity - it's got that extra layer of depth, man! |
 | John von Neumann | Mad Max: Fury Road | John Wick | Mad Max: Fury Road revs up with mind-blowing stunts and post-apocalyptic visuals that push the pedal to the metal in pure cinematic mayhem. |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Gladiator | John Wick | Gladiator's epic storytelling and historical depth give it a timeless edge over John Wick's relentless action sequences. |
 | George Washington Carver | The Matrix | John Wick | The Matrix broke ground with its mind-bending story and innovative special effects, changing the game for sci-fi movies. |
 | Alex Trebek | Aliens | John Wick | Aliens is the OG sci-fi horror flick that set the bar for badassery and suspense, making it hard to beat. |
 | Claude Shannon | Mad Max: Fury Road | John Wick | Mad Max: Fury Road is like a non-stop adrenaline rush with insane visuals and world-building, making it an absolute beast of an action flick. |
 | Copernicus | Aliens | John Wick | Aliens is a sci-fi classic with intense action and unforgettable characters that set the standard for the genre, while John Wick is just a cool action flick. |
 | Marie Curie | The Raid | John Wick | The Raid is a nonstop adrenaline rush with jaw-dropping martial arts choreography that just kicks ass in a way that's hard to beat. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Mad Max: Fury Road | John Wick | Mad Max: Fury Road is a relentless symphony of chaos and creativity that redefines the action genre with its visionary, high-octane spectacle. |
 | John von Neumann | Aliens | John Wick | Aliens combines thrilling sci-fi action with groundbreaking visual effects, making it a timeless classic in cinema history. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | The Raid | John Wick | The Raid's relentless action and innovative fight choreography make it a game-changer in the action genre, even if John Wick's stylish execution is top-notch. |
 | Carl Sagan | The Matrix | John Wick | The Matrix is a mind-bending exploration of reality and consciousness that aligns with my fascination for the cosmos and the nature of existence. |