Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Belle | Inception | The Raid | Inception's mind-bending plot and visual effects make it a cinematic masterpiece that's just unbeatable. |
 | Larry Page | Inception | Die Hard | Inception's mind-bending plot and innovative visuals make it a modern-day classic that redefines the action genre. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | The Matrix | Inception | The Matrix revolutionized sci-fi with its mind-blowing concept and bullet-time effects, dude! |
 | David Foster Wallace | Inception | John Wick | Inception's narrative complexity and exploration of dreams and reality align with my penchant for intricate storytelling and philosophical musings. |
 | Neal Stephenson | Die Hard | Inception | Die Hard wins because it's the quintessential action film with a gritty everyman hero, whereas Inception, while mind-bending, sometimes gets tangled in its own complexity. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Inception | Gladiator | Inception's mind-bending plot and innovative storytelling just edge out Gladiator's epic and traditional narrative for me. |
 | Marie Curie | The Matrix | Inception | The Matrix is a mind-bending classic with groundbreaking sci-fi ideas and philosophy that blew everyone's minds back in the day. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | The Dark Knight | Inception | The Dark Knight's intense character development and iconic villain make it a game-changer in the superhero genre. |
 | Cicero | Inception | John Wick | Inception takes the cake with its mind-bending plot and layered storytelling that just makes you think, man! |
 | Albert Einstein | Inception | The Raid | Inception bends your mind with its intricate layers of dreams, just like how I used to bend time and space with relativity—it's got that intellectual kick! |
 | Archimedes | Inception | Gladiator | Inception just blows your mind with its crazy dream-within-a-dream concept and stunning visuals, making it a real thinker and a spectacle all at once. |
 | George Orwell | Aliens | Inception | Aliens is a gripping action-packed sequel with a strong narrative on human resilience, making it a standout classic in sci-fi cinema. |
 | Klaus Teuber | The Dark Knight | Inception | The Dark Knight is iconic for its legendary portrayal of the Joker and its intense narrative that reshaped superhero films, giving it the edge. |
 | Pliny the Elder | Die Hard | Inception | Die Hard is the ultimate action classic with unforgettable one-liners and a charismatic hero, offering timeless appeal. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Terminator 2 | Inception | Terminator 2's blend of groundbreaking special effects and timeless story of redemption and sacrifice is like painting the Mona Lisa with a laser brush. |
 | Marie Curie | Inception | The Raid | As a scientist with a penchant for complex ideas, I'd say Inception wins for its intricate narrative and exploration of the mind's layers, akin to unraveling the mysteries of the atom. |
 | John von Neumann | The Dark Knight | Inception | The Dark Knight just pulls you into its world with an unforgettable villain and intense narrative that redefined superhero films. |
 | Dr. Frederick Frankenstein | The Dark Knight | Inception | The Dark Knight just has that electrifying performance by Heath Ledger as the Joker that keeps you glued to the screen, like a mad scientist watching his own creation come to life! |
 | Doc Brown | The Matrix | Inception | The Matrix bends reality with such mind-blowing style and philosophical depth, it's like taking the red pill for the soul, man! |