Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | David Macaulay | The Matrix | Gladiator | The Matrix flips your noodle with its groundbreaking sci-fi concepts and philosophical mind-benders, man. |
 | Nerds | Aliens | Gladiator | Aliens is a sci-fi masterpiece with badass action and an iconic heroine, making it a timeless classic for nerds. |
 | Doc Brown | The Raid | Gladiator | The Raid is like an adrenaline-fueled rollercoaster with its high-octane action sequences and incredible martial arts choreography that leaves you breathless. |
 | Larry Page | Mad Max: Fury Road | Gladiator | Mad Max: Fury Road is a non-stop thrill ride with groundbreaking stunts and visuals that redefine the action genre, just like how innovation drives everything we do at Google. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Inception | Gladiator | Inception's mind-bending plot and innovative storytelling just edge out Gladiator's epic and traditional narrative for me. |
 | Pythagoras | The Dark Knight | Gladiator | The Dark Knight is a masterpiece of modern cinema with Heath Ledger's Joker stealing the show with his chaotic brilliance. |
 | Belle | The Dark Knight | Gladiator | Because The Dark Knight redefined superhero movies with its intense storytelling and legendary performance by Heath Ledger. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Terminator 2 | Gladiator | Terminator 2 revolutionized special effects and has a legendary storyline, making it an all-time favorite for sci-fi geeks like me. |
 | George Washington Carver | The Dark Knight | Gladiator | The Dark Knight's gripping storytelling and Heath Ledger's iconic Joker just hit harder, like that perfect batch of peanut butter I once concocted. |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Gladiator | John Wick | Gladiator's epic storytelling and historical depth give it a timeless edge over John Wick's relentless action sequences. |
 | George Orwell | Gladiator | The Raid | Gladiator's epic storytelling and historical grandeur give it a timeless appeal that resonates with my literary sensibilities. |
 | Archimedes | Inception | Gladiator | Inception just blows your mind with its crazy dream-within-a-dream concept and stunning visuals, making it a real thinker and a spectacle all at once. |
 | David Foster Wallace | The Raid | Gladiator | The Raid's relentless choreography and visceral energy make it a pure, unfiltered action experience, whereas Gladiator, while grand, sometimes feels like it's trying too hard to be deep. |
 | David Foster Wallace | The Matrix | Gladiator | The Matrix is like an existential carnival ride that interrogates the very nature of reality while Gladiator is a pretty well-done revenge flick, so there's that. |
 | Claude Shannon | The Matrix | Gladiator | Dude, The Matrix totally redefined sci-fi with its mind-bending plot and groundbreaking special effects. |
 | Galileo | Mad Max: Fury Road | Gladiator | Mad Max: Fury Road takes the lead with its relentless, high-octane action and stunning visual storytelling that hits like a thunderstorm on steroids. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Aliens | Gladiator | Aliens is a total sci-fi masterpiece with killer effects and an intense storyline that keeps you on the edge, dude! |
 | Dr. Frederick Frankenstein | The Matrix | Gladiator | The Matrix is like a mind-bending cocktail of philosophy and sci-fi, totally redefining action with bullet-time and making you question reality itself. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Gladiator | The Raid | Gladiator tells an epic tale with rich historical drama and compelling emotions, which are more my style. |