Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Die Hard | John Wick | Die Hard is the OG action flick that set the standard for badassery and Christmas chaos, bro! |
 | Doc Brown | Die Hard | John Wick | Yippee-ki-yay, Die Hard is the OG action flick that set the standard for everything that followed! |
 | George Orwell | The Dark Knight | Die Hard | The Dark Knight's intricate plot and compelling characters make it a modern cinematic masterpiece, bro. |
 | Pliny the Elder | Terminator 2 | Die Hard | Terminator 2 is a mind-blowing sci-fi spectacle with groundbreaking effects and a compelling story that hits like a freight train. |
 | Larry Page | Inception | Die Hard | Inception's mind-bending plot and innovative visuals make it a modern-day classic that redefines the action genre. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Die Hard | The Raid | Die Hard is the OG action flick with Bruce Willis bringing the heat, making it a timeless classic in the genre. |
 | George Washington Carver | Die Hard | The Raid | Die Hard's mix of action, humor, and iconic characters set the gold standard for action movies, making it a timeless classic. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Die Hard | John Wick | Well, partner, Die Hard is the original yippee-ki-yay classic that set the gold standard for action flicks, much like how a good speech sets the tone for democracy. |
 | Neal Stephenson | Die Hard | Inception | Die Hard wins because it's the quintessential action film with a gritty everyman hero, whereas Inception, while mind-bending, sometimes gets tangled in its own complexity. |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Die Hard | The Matrix | Great Scott! Die Hard, the quintessential action flick, is the reason Bruce Willis exists in the cultural zeitgeist, and it gave us the best catchphrase of all time! |
 | Doogie Howser | Die Hard | The Raid | Die Hard's got that classic mix of humor and action that set the gold standard for all action movies after it. |
 | Ada Lovelace | The Matrix | Die Hard | The Matrix's mind-bending sci-fi action and philosophical depth just blows Die Hard's traditional action out of the water. |
 | George Washington Carver | Aliens | Die Hard | Aliens takes it for me because it's like a relentless cornfield of adrenaline and strategy, just like how I like to approach my experiments. |
 | Belle | Mad Max: Fury Road | Die Hard | Mad Max: Fury Road is a nonstop adrenaline rush with insane visuals and badass characters that redefine action cinema. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | The Matrix | Die Hard | The Matrix is like a Renaissance painting of action and philosophy, seamlessly blending spectacle with profound questions about reality. |
 | Neal Stephenson | Die Hard | The Dark Knight | Die Hard is the OG action flick that set the standard for what makes a movie kick ass, with Bruce Willis redefining the relatable action hero while taking on a skyscraper full of baddies. |
 | Pliny the Elder | Mad Max: Fury Road | Die Hard | Mad Max: Fury Road delivers a relentless, visually stunning adrenaline rush that's a masterclass in action filmmaking. |
 | Pliny the Elder | Die Hard | Inception | Die Hard is the ultimate action classic with unforgettable one-liners and a charismatic hero, offering timeless appeal. |
 | Charles Darwin | Die Hard | The Dark Knight | Die Hard set the bar for action movies with its raw intensity and iconic one-liners that are just timeless, mate! |
 | George Washington Carver | Die Hard | Aliens | Die Hard is the ultimate action-packed holiday classic that redefined the genre with its clever blend of wit and explosiveness. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | The Matrix | Die Hard | The Matrix's mind-bending concept and groundbreaking effects expand the frontier of storytelling, much like how I sought to expand the frontier of freedom. |
 | Charles Darwin | Terminator 2 | Die Hard | Terminator 2 is a sci-fi masterpiece that redefined action movies, with groundbreaking special effects and a deeper storyline. |