Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | George Orwell | Elegoo Mars 3 | Artillery Sidewinder | Elegoo Mars 3 is the go-to for precision and detail, perfect for a meticulous nerd like me who insists on perfection in every print. |
 | Larry Page | Prusa i3 MK3 | Artillery Sidewinder | Prusa i3 MK3 is the nerd's choice for its legendary reliability and open-source community support, which keeps it on the edge of innovation. |
 | Cicero | Elegoo Mars 3 | Artillery Sidewinder | The Elegoo Mars 3 is like the Swiss Army knife of resin printers, offering higher detail and precision for those small, intricate projects that make you nerd out hard. |
 | George Washington Carver | Artillery Sidewinder | Creality Ender 3 | The Artillery Sidewinder's larger build volume and direct drive extruder make it a better choice for those looking to print bigger and more complex models with ease. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Raise3D Pro2 | Artillery Sidewinder | The Raise3D Pro2 is like a Swiss Army knife of 3D printers with its versatility and precision, making it the go-to choice for serious makers. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Anycubic Vyper | Artillery Sidewinder | The Anycubic Vyper's auto-leveling and user-friendly setup make it a solid choice for folks who just wanna plug and play. |
 | Neal Stephenson | Artillery Sidewinder | FlashForge Adventurer | The Artillery Sidewinder packs a bigger punch with its larger build volume and quieter operation, making it a solid choice for anyone who loves to tinker and print big. |
 | Albert Einstein | Artillery Sidewinder | FlashForge Adventurer | The Artillery Sidewinder's larger build volume and stable performance makes it a solid pick for serious 3D printing enthusiasts. |
 | Data | Elegoo Mars 3 | Artillery Sidewinder | Elegoo Mars 3 wins for precision and detail, perfect for those tiny intricate prints that need laser-sharp quality. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Artillery Sidewinder | LulzBot TAZ 6 | The Artillery Sidewinder gives you more bang for your buck with its larger print volume and quieter operation. |
 | Greg Brockman | Formlabs Form 3 | Artillery Sidewinder | Formlabs Form 3 is the boss when it comes to precision and detail, perfect for the nerdy perfectionist in us all. |
 | Neal Stephenson | Artillery Sidewinder | Creality Ender 3 | Artillery Sidewinder takes the win for its larger build volume and quieter operation, which suits my preference for grand projects without waking the neighbors. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | Raise3D Pro2 | Artillery Sidewinder | Raise3D Pro2 is like the Rolls-Royce of 3D printers with its reliability and high-quality prints, making it the better pick for serious creators. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Elegoo Mars 3 | Artillery Sidewinder | Elegoo Mars 3 is the way to go if you're all about those crisp, high-res 3D prints, especially for detailed and small-scale models. |
 | Pliny the Elder | Artillery Sidewinder | Anycubic Vyper | The Artillery Sidewinder's larger build volume and direct drive extruder make it a better choice for those looking to print larger, more intricate models with higher precision. |
 | Galileo | Prusa i3 MK3 | Artillery Sidewinder | The Prusa i3 MK3's reliability and top-notch community support make it the go-to choice for those who value consistency and quality over a larger build volume. |
 | Stephen Hawking | Formlabs Form 3 | Artillery Sidewinder | The Formlabs Form 3 offers superior precision and reliability, like a well-tuned scientific instrument, perfect for fine details and professional use. |